안녕하세요, esthy입니다.
지금 같은 궁금증을 가지고 질문을 주시는 분들을 위해 알려드립니다.
재이 이후로 저는 누구와도 인형과 관련된 일은 함께하고 있지 않습니다. 이전의 제 인형들의 생산을 담당했던 노빌리티돌도 마찬가지 입니다.
그리고 현재 제 인형들의 판매 또한 모두 종료된 상태이며 공식적으로 저의 인형을 위탁판매하고 있는 곳 또한 없다는 점을 알려드립니다.
제 인형의 권리를 어느 누구에게도 넘겨주거나 판매하지 않았으니 제 인형과 같은 모습을 하고 제 인형의 이름을 달고 제 사진을 이용하여 판매되고 있는 복제품들에 혼동되지 않으셨으면 합니다.
부디 저의 인형을 사랑해주시는 분들이라면 현명한 선택을 해주시길 부탁드리겠습니다.
조만간 화영의 재판매를 준비하도록 하겠습니다.
감사합니다. :)
* This is translated by Google Translator. So sentences can be awkward. I hope you understand. Please let me know if there is anything wrong.
Hello, I am esthy.
This notice is for those who are asking me the same question.
After Jaeii's sale, I didn't work with anyone with regard to dolls. It is the same with the nobility doll that was my casting factory.
And now my dolls are all sold out. There is also no official consignment sale.
And I have not given or sold my doll's rights to anyone.
So please don't be confused by a replica with the same face, same name and my photos.
I hope you guys who love my doll make wise choices.
I'll be preparing for resale of hwayoung soon.
Thank you a lot! We will always support you! I had to pay over 1200usd for a Hwayoung head few months ago in a resale, so I'm quite happy that resellers won't be able to make profit of fans like us again...
Hi, Esthy ~
I read your latest information on the site. Is it true that you are now planning to release the Hwayoung for sale? If this is true, when exactly do you plan to sell it? I'm so nervous to save money on it. -
Hey esthy, I want to thank you for deciding to sell Hwayoung again. I have been looking for this doll (like many others) for a very long time. He is offered on the second hand market very very rarely for incredible prices. I was asked 2900 Euro one time...
Many recasts have shown up on ebay, instagram and I'm glad you finally react to these. To me they look horrible, like zombies, I don't understand why people buy them.
It's time for you to get back and show them the real Distant Memory. I will always support you and only you! I'll wait for your dolls, no matter how long. I hope to be reading news about Hwayoung's resale soon. I'll definitely be among the first people to order! Much love from Minjoonsummer -
For people that can’t pay all at once do you accept a layaway? I really want to get Hwayoung
흠페이 -
Hi Esthy, nice to meet you, love your work. Will you be reselling most of the heads and dolls that you produced before? The second hand market is selling heads alone for $1200 making it hard for anyone to own one. I am looking for jaeii specifically, but even so it's at $500 and we'll, I do not wish to buy second hand and accidentally end up with a recast. I would like to buy from you directly. So if you could just let me know when that head or full doll will be for sale again that would be wonderful. Thank you.
기다리고 있을게요 ~!> _<!
작가님, 기다리고 있겠습니다. ^^ 맘고생 많으셨겠어요. 2020년 1월 1일이라 새해 복 많이 받으세요~~ 라고 전합니다. ^^ 2020년에 좋은 일 가득하시고, 건강하세요~~~
Thank you for this!! I really want Hwayoung's head!! I've been found his head on the second hand market for the same price of the entire doll.
복제품이라도 원조는 따라갈 수 없는 법! 화영이 기다린 보람이 있네요 ^^ 작가님 새해 복 많이 받으시고 2020년에도 이루고자 하시는 일들 모두 잘 풀리시고 행복한 일들로 가득한 한 해 되시길 바랍니다~!
Can't wait :D i hope he will be for sale very soon!
Thank you for being thoughtful of your fans. Would there be any chance will you also have a resale for Sunho as well? -
화영이 나올 때 공지 한 번더 부탁드려요!!
역시 기다리는 자에게 복이오다니!!
작가님!! 복많이 받으셔요 :) -
I know that these dolls of yours are inspired by BTS. But would you consider making dolls inspired by EXO too?( except for Chanyeol since I think, Loongsoul already has one that looks exactly like him.). Because I tell you,that would be great.
계속 기다리고있었는데 드디어 소식이 온다니 너무 기뻐요..ㅠㅠ 기다리고있을게요 재판매 예정 감사합니다.
열심히 기다리고 있겠습니당!
화영 재출시 너무 기대됩니다...!!
wow I'm waiting THANK YOU!!!
재판매 기다릴게요~ 너무 늦게 알아서 안타깝네요 ㅠㅠ
허억 화영이 재판매 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 살아계신지요 2019년에만 소식이 많아서 어디계신가요ㅜㅜㅜ 어느쪽인지몰라서 동서남북으로 절할게요ㅜㅜ
선호 가지고싶었는데ㅜㅠ
매일 들어와서 언제쯤 판매하실지 줄서고 있어요~
기다리고 있어요~
기대하고 있어요~
재판해주셔서 진짜! 진짜 감사드려요 ㅠㅠ -
댓글 또 다는데 재판매 준비다 되시면 공지로 스킨별로 수량써주시면서 재발매할거라고믿어요!!!
I would totally save up to buy Hwayoung! Will it be the same price as before for body +head, 620,000₩?
sunho is possible to sell again?plz…I really want him …I can buy him and spend to 450000won for head…plz if you sell him,connect to me:kiarashi1994@naver.com
화영이 나오다니.... 알람이 없으니 매일매일 들러야겠군요.
I've always been interested in these dolls but was never able to find them for years. I wanted a Jungkook one but it seems I'm years too late cause the comments are old
Hello Esthy! I might be late :,) but your dolls are so beautiful and I love them so much!! I'd love to own one (Especially Hwayoung), I look forward to future releases.
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 |
» | 공지 36 | esthy | 2019.11.21 |
1372 |
문의 드립니다
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52hz | 2020.05.23 |
1371 |
About Hwayoung and Jaeiis magnets
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Melani | 2020.05.23 |
1370 |
문의 드립니다
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에비샤 | 2020.05.23 |
1369 |
Thank you for your hard work!
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VicVictor | 2020.05.23 |
1368 |
Please respond when you're able
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BP | 2020.05.23 |
1367 |
문의 드립니다
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뷔가 오는 날 | 2020.05.23 |
1366 |
화영헤드 플미 제보
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jezzang | 2020.05.23 |
1365 |
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eazy | 2020.05.23 |
1364 | 화영이 구매 성공하신분들 봐주세요 3 | 화이 | 2020.05.23 |
1363 | 문의드려요 1 | 비티에스 | 2020.05.23 |
1362 |
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써녕 | 2020.05.23 |
1361 |
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흐어엉 | 2020.05.23 |
1360 |
구매가능한 초가 몇초대인가요??
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신수림 | 2020.05.23 |
1359 | 메일 읽지않음 이라고뜨면 포기해야하나요ㅠㅠ?? 5 | 방탄 | 2020.05.23 |
1358 |
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미여리 | 2020.05.23 |
1357 | If I havent recieve any email confirmation, should i give up? 2 | VicVictor | 2020.05.23 |
1356 | 지금까지 답메일 못받으면 포기해야하는건가요? 14 | 화이 | 2020.05.23 |
1355 | 주문 마감에 대한 질문입니다. 1 | 안녕하세요00 | 2020.05.23 |
1354 |
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엘니마 | 2020.05.23 |
1353 |
주문 관련질문드립니다.
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dksl | 2020.05.23 |